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Academician Tang Shuxian joins SWJTU
From:  Click:( )  Date: 2014年04月20日 16:05

On July 16th, SWJTU Appointment Ceremony for AcademicianTang Shuxianwas held in

Jiuli campus. PresidentXu Feiand Vice PresidentZhang Wenguihad participated

in thegreat event. Associate Vice PresidentZhou Zhongrongpresided over the

ceremony.Tangwas elected as the Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences

and the Fellow ofAmerican Physical Society (APS) in 2001, and the Academician

of Third World Academyof Sciences (TWAS) in 2010.

Xuspoke highly of Tang’s profound academic attainments and experiences of

administration– a great scientist and educator. “Tangwill work as a full-time

professor in the upcomingyears. It is beyond the doubt that his academic

prospective and international influences will promote the implementation of

SWJTU’s Internationalization Strategy. This is also anotheroutcome of SWJTU’s

Talent Strategy,” saidXu.

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