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Teachers from Iraqi universities trained at SWJTU
From:  Click:( )  Date: 2014年04月20日 16:05

ovember 26, the Opening Ceremony of Iraqi Teachers Training Program was held on SWJTU campus. SWJTU Vice-President Prof. Fan Pingzhi,

senior officials from Iraqi Embassy to China and officials from Zhongtie Eryuan Cooperation attended the ceremony. Prof. QIU Yanjun,

Director of SWJTU International Affairs Office hosted the ceremony.

Vice-President Prof. Fan delivered a speech on the ceremony. He welcomed all 20 teachers from 16 Iraqi universities in this program.

Prof. Fan highlighted that ancient China and ancient Babylon got close connections in terms of culture and economic exchange through

Silk Road. He further introduced the recent developments which SWJTU has achieved in international education and international engineering

training programs. Recent years, four PhD students have been graduated from SWJTU. Prof. Fan wished program members could understand

more about China and Chinese higher education and make more contribution in China-Iraqi friendship.

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